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My Makeup Addiction

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Really cool bokeh in the background

Bokeh is the out of focus area in photos. Yes, it is intentional. Nothing better than a colorful and unique bokeh, and this is one of my favorite. As far as the big white space, that was from a light in the background coming through the blinds... Kinda looks like she is looking at something. - so, I left it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors in this one. It's so beautiful and you can't help but stair for a long time wondering what makes up those bright colors. The look of wonder and curiousity in the cats eyes is perfection!


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This is a blog about a girl who's life is plagued with constant debilitating pain, which results in a life mostly spent in bed, with her laptop fine tuning her photography. Yet trouble lurks around every corner. She finds herself in situations which make you grateful for your own life. There will always be cat-tastic anecdotes. It is not for the easily offended, or faint of heart. She's sarcastic, witty, personal. You'll laugh out loud. No, SERIOUSLY... Be sure to say hi.

Junk that keeps me happy

My Style Backgrounds


Grandmas Garden Background from Mikelle at My Style Backgrounds