Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Purple baby bud lovelyness. Just a teeny little guy, and this is cropped in! Shot with my 100MM Macro (Canon of course) but no, unfort. not an "L". I'm not rich.
Purple baby bud lovelyness. Just a teeny little guy, and this is cropped in! Shot with my 100MM Macro (Canon of course) but no, unfort. not an "L". I'm not rich., originally uploaded by If you are harassing in ANY way, or are RUDE in AN.
really and truly one of my most favorite images ever...
simple, delicate, colorful.
I love it.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Really cool bokeh in the background
Bokeh is the out of focus area in photos. Yes, it is intentional. Nothing better than a colorful and unique bokeh, and this is one of my favorite. As far as the big white space, that was from a light in the background coming through the blinds... Kinda looks like she is looking at something. - so, I left it.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My first REAL HDR image. Wanna buy it!
8x's are $30
8x's are : $50
11x's are: $75
Anything which can be printed on a 13x19 sheet of photo paper up to and including th print of a 13x19 will be
$100 even.
Just gorgeous printed out.
All prints are archiveable and guaranteed to last.
(you can buy a print of anything else I have listed here.)
Monday, April 19, 2010
How to Make a Remote Shutter Release from a Doorbell [DIY SPECIAL]
Read it!
It's cool!
I've got more posts coming!!!
These are from, Digital Photography School!! These guys are amazing!
Thanks guys! Send me your pictures if you work on this DIY tutorial!
and I too do ot take any responsibility if you harm yourself or damage your equipment. If you don't feel comfortable with this tutorial, then don't do it!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
This was a rescue horse out at Heaven Can Wait.
Super sweet animal and he loved me.
The ladies who run the sanctuary couldn't believe how much he took t me, as it was not in his character to do so. Not to mention, he was very delicate and sweet with me.
Maybe I was in heat... LOL
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just outside of Santa Barbara
The sky, well, there was NOTHING there before. I did all of this in Lightroom. I also added the fog. Again, all with Lightroom. I LOVE LIGHTROOM!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I dont know WHAT to think of this?
Look at his little tongue sticking out! This is gross. I want to put a post it over his hiney. But he tried so hard to lick his tail. He was so cute.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Blog Archive
- Neighbors Mouser!
- Just outside of Santa Barbara
- The neighbors mouse killer!
- More Pismo
- Pismo
- Pismo
- Pismo
- Another of Carolines animals!!! Exelentzebu1050 @ ...
- Gado BY Jakza - this is a regal animal!!
- more of Caroline's kids
- Kattis W on FLICKR - another cow favorite!
- Another one of Caroline's cows
- One of carolines sweet babies!!
- sweet jake
- sleepy time
- Going to China?
- Edited sweetness!
- Weinburg-55, originally uploaded by tidal.designs.
- Weinburg-54, originally uploaded by tidal.designs.
- Weinburg-48, originally uploaded by tidal.designs.
- Weinburg-47, originally uploaded by tidal.designs.
- Concerned momma
- Tongue..
- I dont know WHAT to think of this?
- Longhorn momma Edit
- Longhorn momma
- Jake
- Hiney
- The mom!
- Weinburg-78, originally uploaded by tidal.designs....
- mom and baby
- Such the sweetest baby
- Flickr
About Me

- Petals and Paws Photography
- This is a blog about a girl who's life is plagued with constant debilitating pain, which results in a life mostly spent in bed, with her laptop fine tuning her photography. Yet trouble lurks around every corner. She finds herself in situations which make you grateful for your own life. There will always be cat-tastic anecdotes. It is not for the easily offended, or faint of heart. She's sarcastic, witty, personal. You'll laugh out loud. No, SERIOUSLY... Be sure to say hi.
Junk that keeps me happy
Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas - Twas the day of vacation, for me but not hubby I wasn’t stirring, he awoke a bit grumpy He showered and shaved, his routine am chore As the covers I pulled ...11 years ago
Fresh Bottled Pickles - We have so many pickling cucumbers this year we cant eat them fast enough. One thing I am picky about is my pickles. If they are the nasty ones that sit...12 years ago
I used my Macro lens...can you believe it?!?!?! - Good afternoon on this beautiful yet tragic Thursday afternoon. Our So Cal news is full of horrid things today and I just couldn't handle listening to it...12 years ago
Two FREE small actions... - Hello...anyone there! I know I know, it's been a while! Sorry about that. I've been laying a bit low! I do have some action review posts coming up. I'...13 years ago
Serenity - 2 Column http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii40/Mikelle_05/Serenitycopy.jpg 2 Column wide http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii40/Mikelle_05/Serenity...13 years ago
Lemon Meringue Pie - After a long month's baking, we're tackling one of my favorite pies today: Lemon Meringue. I learned how to bake this pie from my mother, who baked it f...13 years ago
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1877 (2/1/18) - Jean Beraud, French *Before They Were Stars: Susan B. Anthony (Center) Twerking For Tips*, 1879 Oil on panel3 years ago
Nine - I left Lilly Tomlin in because we don't have a pet, and sometimes I pretend she's my mom.Today, Jeff and I have been married nine years. [Hold for applaus...8 years ago